If we are going to be personally free
and productive human beingswe need to recover some kind of interest in the possibilityof attaining a relatively human and civilized condition,in which we ourselves can find ourselvesand help others do the same.And that we might even be able to communicate somethingof what it means to attain these goals.We need to break through the state of massive inertia and delusioncreated by the repetition of statements and slogans without meaningand without any effect in concrete action.In a word, the arbitrary, fictitious, and absurdmentality of our society—reflected in its advertisingand entertainment particularly—-must be recognized as an affront to man’spersonal dignity.In how many ways our old Western outlook is bankrupt.We have lost our way in a desertof meaningless and uninterpretable facts,and finally, not only of fact but of completely fictitious events,news that never happened or.if it happened, was never news.
—Excerpt from Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander by Thomas Merton.
Written prior to 1965.