In The Unmaking…
In truth a nation is never formed.
…the nation is always either in the making,
or in the unmaking.
It is either winning adherents, or losing them,
according as the State does
or does not represent at a given time.
a vital enterprise.
Excerpt The Revolt of the Masses by José Ortega y Gasset p. 176
What peoples ought we Illinoisians to initiate common cause with, those living in Wisconsin, or Michigan, perhaps Minnesotans? We residing in the Midwest will be called upon to preserve from expropriation our Great Lakes, to form a Earth First way of life, a coalition. The warming of the planet, severe weather events are certain to cause unprecedented dislocations… With what peoples are we most likely to establish that vital enterprise, — the Canadians, nations in the EU, the Japanese,…
Is this not the peremptory question of the first half of the 21st Century?