Incipit tragoedia
The tragedy begins….
Thus Nietzsche ends this section of The Gay Science, book four.
Every ending brings a beginning, an interregnum, an interlude when “what comes next” cracks the old constraints, a climax of a chain of events, only described as WTF, when you crest the apex, the highest point in a roller coaster, and the mind momentarily pauses, before the plunge downward. What will be decided, resolved, presented?
At some point one must play the hand that one has been dealt by nature and by history. Decide to “throw down” and the trouble begins!
Thus Nietzsche paints Zarathustra’s “descent,” the execution of his will to communicate with the-man-on-the-street,…
Incipit tragoedia.
Hold on!
I learned about this song today! It is seductive, and the truth.