Language & Rebirth
Rob Brezsny’s Freewill Astrology newsletter stimulates me to think. He is a happy warrior, samurai-like with unflagging dedication to his craft as a writer, faith in the mana/power of words to humanize us. The last newsletter from Rob offered a list of neologisms. The list is relevant, important to the work that remains in defense of the planet, to preserve our species as sentient creatures no more and no less than every other living thing. Here are a few of the words which prompted a wry smile:
angel-retentive, adj. the antithesis of “anal retentive.” This person has a relaxed openness to miracles. A miracle is an a-rational event.
careenstable, adj. To maintain poise during wild, fast movement. A type of composition, the result of power and love! (Also how I’d like my car to handle when driving full-out on a twisty road)
demagnostic, n. To provide leadership by cultivating people’s noblest ambitions and ideals. The antithesis of pandering to fear and prejudice.
dissident bodhisattva, n. to be an aspiring buddha who believes in revolutionizing existing political and cultural institutions to make possible an approach to nirvana.
epiphony, n. A fake realization. I’ve had some of those many years past. I resist feeling superior to anyone fooled by a hoary religion, or a raving politico.
fauxbia, n. A fake fear. Many in retrospect, turn out to have been a mirage… But not all.
Go fuck yourself, phrase. A wish that the addressee indulge in self-administered pleasure, to the point of rapture. After all such experience is more real, than the ginned-up adrenaline rush from a political rally, or ‘coming to Jesus’ one more time.
Indumbnitable, adj. Incapable of being dumbed down. Example: The head of the Republican Party, a coalition who believe ignorance to be a virtue.
insurrectionary intimacy, n. To nurture another’s beautiful qualities, in sober recognition of the work of drawing out, for redemption, each other’s unripe aspects.
Oxymoronic Tao, n. Tao with attitude. (not the old school calm, abstract, world-weary Tao) To quote Brezsny, “an uproarious withchy wow-y Tao of now.” Said a bit differently, “in the spirit of tricksterish love, romancing the contradictions…”
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