Less Is More
I have few words to say. Today was an early morning, attending to customers needs. So this post waited until the end of the day. The words are important though. They are koan-like, found in a book by Wendell Berry, Standing By Words.
Love one another or die,
individually and as a species.
I believe those words are true, accurately characterizing our state of affairs. If they are true –belief in their veracity, becomes a life long project, a most difficult aspiration. The program seems as difficult as that of Odysseus journey home to Ithaca, from the ruins of Troy. I, like Odysseus learn that requisite self knowledge is hard to come by. Effecting love for others depends entirely upon a strong, well-formed self. Trial and error alone will disclose the essential entré to a balanced self-regard.
It is never too late to begin; or to continue the journey. Shall we go together?
Failure to believe in the true nature of the words, eventuates in dissolution of the individual self, and the abject failure of community, and in due time, –the species.