Lynching Victims Memorial
Lynching Victims Memorial in Montgomery Alabama.
For the full story CLICK HERE.
How could we have waited so long to do this?
Why are we STILL OPPRESSING people of color?
How can we exercise power and authority, but no responsibility?
Is this the way things have to be, the will of the god, are we helpless?
Why do we continue to vote for, believe, and obey those who abet this ruin?
I ask these questions as an old white guy……..
One thought on “Lynching Victims Memorial”
1. Because it’s an uncomfortable topic.
2. Because we can get away with it.
3. Because we are flawed creatures.
4. No, but we’ll need to learn to self-assess. Not easy!
5. Because we desperately need to win. Because we’re afraid of change. Because we are xenophobic tribal critters. And mostly because we fear the unknown and will blindly follow an insane leader over the edge of a cliff if we believe they will keep darkness at bay.