Maypole Dance Anyone?
I propose a national holiday, a floating holiday decreed by Congress, timed to coincide with the blooming of the cherry trees along the Potomac River. This will be a rite of spring, a mandated closure of all but essential business, including the exchanges on Wall Street. All citizens will be encouraged by a proclamation of the poet laureate of the United States to visit a park in their neighborhoods, to meet with friends for a picnic, a bit of wine and cheese perhaps, to contemplate the onset of spring. Spring represents the emergence of life, the indomitable rise of the green sprout toward the life giving sun.
No matter what one’s station, socio-economic lot, or political affiliation this would be something that binds us together, our participation in the rhythm of Nature. Let us shift the axis of attention of our national conversation from the relatively trivial
perception of our conflict with other nations, our conviction of our own righteous cause, and of the evil intentions of others. We are all human. We are reciprocally dependent upon Natures impartial care.
These photos were taken within the last few days. The pink blossoms are attached to a section of tree branch cut some months ago which lay on the ground throughout the winter. The severed branch blooms with mute beauty. The stem of tiny yellow flowers were found on the banks of the creek in Kraklauer Park in Mundelein.
A ceramic racoon, banjo cradled in mid tune–symbolizes my spirit on the occasion of spring.