More Like Evening
Late to Starbucks today. Began my day by coming “out of retirement” to assist my son with a new client. I was reminded of the way of life, the day to day routine that was my normal for many years. Is anything ever truly behind us? I do not think so. We are marked by places, activities, and people that we have encountered. People especially. Sometimes I think that life, my life is a matter of chance, dumb luck. And that I have been fortunate. On the other hand I find myself thinking that life is a wave that crests, breaking from one end to the other, the denouement of cause and effect. It’s simply not possible for the mind to track the intersecting links, all the way back to the “big bang.” Nevertheless the C&E chain is there.
Does it make sense to attribute to the “big bang,” that initial singularity, erupting with all of the possibilities of space and time, matter/energy and change — god? Still, to entertain many gods seems more interesting, and more helpful.
After all, we (homo sapiens) need help do we not? We humans are the disturbed mammal, subject to desire that easily tips into fever… Even if and when it seems illogical, shout it out: help!
The ultimate prayer, a stripped down, non-sectarian: help!
Here are some fragments from the first section of The Gay Science, Book Five:
–that “God is dead,”
that belief in the Christian god
has become unbelievable—
some sun seems to have set
and some ancient and profound trust
has been turned into doubt;
to them
our old world must appear
more like evening,
more distrustful,
What this event really means
–and how much must collapse…,
propped up,
for example the whole of
our European morality
(American morality)
this monstrous logic of terror
an eclipse of the sun whose like
has probably never yet occurred
on earth…
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 5, Section 343 by Friedrich Nietzsche