Never A Better Hour
“Who will sing a song for us?” — and that is the question is it not? Who, perhaps you or I will step forward to do our best with the future’s melody! What of concern which you and I are certain to have of being misunderstood? That is none of our business! It is the responsibility of the recipient to grasp as he/she is able, the new song.
So, shall we, you and I, do our best to enunciate, to project our voices, to create the future?
No more waiting, standing timidly in dimly lit wings. The time has come to sing, to dance. Everyone is invited to the celebration. Even the marmot-Republicans whistling to one another on hill tops receive an invitation. No one excluded.
Yesterday is behind us, booking-day at the Fulton County Courthouse. Trump and his inner circle of insurrectionists where fingerprinted, and mug shots taken. Yesterday hot-dog vendor who became a mercenary leader-warlord, Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a plane crash. U. S. officials believe an onboard explosion brought down the plane.
Yesterday is behind us…
…”away, away with this raven-black music!
Are we not surrounded
by bright morning?
And by soft green grass and grounds,
the kingdom of the dance?
Has there ever been a better hour for gaiety?
Who will sing a song for us,
a morning song, so sunny,
so light,
so fledged
that it will not chase away the blues
but invite them instead
to join in the singing and
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 5, Section 383 by Friedrich Nietzsche
How about a song! This one is perfect: Paradise City by Guns N’s Roses. Wild, exuberant, sensually-violent, and alive.
Songwriters: Duff McKagan / Hudson Slash / Izzy Stradlin / Steven Adler / W. Axl Rose