It is Wednesday, the day after the Presidents televised speech to the nation. Such televised speeches usually signal circumstances of extraordinary, even dire import. This was simply the next stratagem to get a wall built along the border between our country and Mexico. The cost would be in excess of five billion dollars. Why not build a wall along the Canadian border? Just fabricate a succession of stories demonizing “the other” calling them terrorists or whatever fear- inducing term comes to mind. The President has spent his adult life making up things, in order to extort others.
I did not watch the speech as his point of view has been delivered day by day on twitter. Naturally the television presentation was gussied up to be visually appealing, and more pleasant to the ear of the public, than the daily twitter rants. I chose to spend the evening with friends, listening to what they had to say.
I do not expect this to end any time soon. I am concerned for the Federal employees who are without a paycheck, some of them showing up for work anyway.
It is possible to fail in many ways…while to succeed is possible only in one way.
Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics