Not To Imagine Anything
The narrower a man’s intellectual grasp, the more power he is able to grab in his country. I tell you, Lieutenant, there is only one way to survive here. And that is not to imagine anything. A Russian who uses his imagination is done for. I certainly never use mine. My job is to make others use their imaginations. That’s my bread and butter. Make sure you keep that in mind. As long as you are here, at least, picture my face if you ever start to imagine something, and say to yourself, ‘No, don’t do that. Imagining things can be fatal.’ These are my golden words of advice to you. Leave the imagining to someone else.
—excerpt, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Elements of the Budget Proposal by our God-Emperor
- building a wall along the border with Mexico
- deep cuts to health assistance, foreign aid, housing programs and state grants for education, the environment, and community redevelopment
- sell off the International Space Station by 2025
- pay less to Medicare providers: doctors, hospitals, and drug makers
- Major cuts in safety-net programs for the poor: Medicaid funding, food stamps, welfare cash assistance programs, and ending the program that helps elderly and low income people pay their heating and power bills.
The premise of Western civilization is that we imagine that every human is valuable as a human being. This foundation principle is to be argued from, not something that can be argued for, with a proof. We are experiencing an assault upon Western Civilization; a descent into Mordor.