On The Other Hand
Twitter salvos continue unabated. Talking points of both sides remain unchanged. Trenches are dug deeper, bunker support timbers are laid in. Phalanxes of lawyers prepare further assaults. All will die for honor and country, as the flag waves and the band plays on.
The Superbowl is over and the Nation is late in its 4th quarter. The Philadelphia Eagles, world champions, bask in fading glory. Spring will be late and very cold. But……
Though the spring is late and cold
though the uproar of greed
and malice shudders in the sky
pond, stream, and treetop raise
their ancient songs;
the robin molds her nest
with her breast; the air
is bright with breath
of bloom, wise loveliness that asks
nothing of the season but to be.
–excerpt from To Den by Wendell Berry, A Timbered Choir poem collection