On Writing
I hesitate to mention an inclination to write-a-book. Why, in god’s name would I want to do that? The bookstore is filled with titles, and on the internet a tidal wave of material, much self published. What portion of those publications, paper or virtual are likely to be read? The question is unanswerable. In any case there’s a single justification to write anything: a feeling of compulsion, that sense of fate, doing something in order to clarify one’s reason for being. Why are you here? Another unanswerable question. The question demands to be answered. There is one person, and only one person to hazard an answer. If words exchanged between writer and reader, by chance nudge one of our fellows toward the positive,– that’s reward enough.
Today I read these words penned by Bataille, during the days of the Nazi retreat from Paris. They served to reinforce the conviction that we are by no means finished. Humans have much to say/write and do here…
1. Affirmation of ruin, the whole man
a wall and a zone of silence
2. Affirmation of the right to ruin (the right to signify nothing
and to nonknowledge) that is something other than it seems
in that regard: language = lie = action
3. This excludes the value of action but does not thereby signify
the value of the whole man—balance of two points of view.
4. Morality of rebellion or of surpassing
the will to chance is rebellion
surpassing is impossible without chance…
Hence a) the necessity of evil
b) the necessity of happy surpassing
against merit—an act that does not surpass the limit is immoral
–except On Nietzsche, Notes by Georges Bataille, p. 293
I am compelled by the assertion that an individual is free to live an entire life that merits no remark, no accolades. A life lived which by exterior observation did not conform to the conventional benchmarks of success, reputation, and wealth is something other than it seems. “The right to signify nothing.” After all, language mediates a “ginned up” complex of unworthy conventional values according to which everyone acts, conducting their lives…