Our Little Ship
In the horizon of the infinite –
have left the land
and have embarked.
We have burned our bridges behind us
–indeed, we have gone farther
and destroyed the land behind us.
Now, little ship, look out!
Beside you is the ocean:
to be sure, it does not always roar,
and at times it lies spread out
like silk and gold and reveries of graciousness.
But hours will come when you will realize that it is infinite
and that there is nothing more awesome than infinity.
Oh, the poor bird that felt free
and now strikes the walls of this cage!
Woe, when you feel homesick for the land
as if it had offered more freedom
–and there is no longer any “land.”
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 3, Section 124 by Friedrich Nietzsche
Lately I have felt vertigo, a queasiness of mind.
The presenter of last night offered a historical perspective on the Austin Minnesota, Hormel Meat Packers Strike of 1985-1986. A strike, refusal to work by workers is an act-of-war, a last ditch move of desperation to avoid misery, impoverishment imposed by ownership, a type of contemporary serfdom. Listening to the circumstances of the negotiations between labor and management at Hormel 1985 I noted the difference it makes when ownership of a firm is no longer an individual, or a family, — but a bank, or other like institutions. The Hormel strike did not end positively for the workers. The national guard was called in, the striking worker’s union was replaced by another union amenable to the demands of ownership. When operations resumed at the plant workers were compelled to take a 23 per cent cut in wages. This tale does not conclude with a heart-warming fade to a sunset over the prairie…
Negotiations with the Republicans continue over the impasse to raise the debt limit for the United States, — that is the amount of money which the country can borrow to pay bills already incurred. The prospect of default is unnerving, a many nations financial cataclysm which no one can imagine. The entire world economy is currently founded upon debt. The United States is currently the world’s largest debtor with a negative investment position of 14 trillion.
President Biden meanwhile is in Japan for the G-7 summit. His public comments invariably project confidence. With his administration everything is in hand.
I have a queasy feeling, am I becoming seasick? Should I make my way to the rail of our little vessel?