Plague Journal, Backyard Radiance
Nature silently calls to us, always. Refreshment of mind is offered, a reorientation of spirit without charge, ours if we attend to the world of growing things, and animals that live around us, birds flying and singing, or the mouse living
in a decaying stump. These living things are our contemporaries, yet their generations were before us, and will continue after my singular consciousness has ceased to exist. Life is the rare and awe
inspiring feature of the place that I awaken to call my home.
Here are some photos of trees in bloom in the back yard. There are no words worthy of the quality of perfection in these living beings.
The ceramic white Buddha belongs in the yard. The Buddha’s message seems to arise from the collaborative, cooperative manner of Nature. Nourishment, biological and spiritual sustenance is derived from the earth. To say that we are of the
earth, the Earth is our mother is a metaphor that communicates universally, across many cultures. Therefore, I derive satisfaction from the image of the white Buddha. The image shows Buddha’s right hand touching the earth, a gesture in the story of Buddha’s enlightenment showing the earth bearing witness to the wisdom of his moment.