Plague Journal, Color
Another morning dawns in splendor. Summer days are a gift, Natures welcome to all living things. I anthropomorphize of course. With our ancestors it just seems right and proper to give the world as presented to our senseS the label, “Nature.” It’s our term for the surrounding life-sustaining-matrix of sky, water, earth, vegetation and many species of dwelling things. Gaia, is another label. From another point of view, the Taoist, all of this just is, without any dividing boundaries: a singular living entity. Language divides, breaks, the mother-of-all-things into thousands of discrete elements. Enough talk.
Today, for your appreciation, approval, and spiritual uplift — a study in color. These photos present gradations of color, light reflected from the surface of vegetation in the garden. Wavelengths of light are interpreted by the mind into color categories. Pink, green, white and blue. What does a bee see, or a bird, or a rabbit?
The first photo in the pink series is a variegated leaf of Japonica Striped Maize plant. The final photo in the white series is of a white ceramic Buddha. The Buddhist tradition points to the community of life, shared by all things. The same point emphasized by Jesus when he asked his listeners to consider the lilies of the field exhibiting a life which is shared by all.