Plague Journal, Easter Redux
It occurred to me that my Easter related commentary, no matter how heart felt, was certainly obtuse, and irrelevant to almost everyone who might happen upon those paragraphs. Religious categories, theological language does not figure in to the lives of my contemporaries. Easter as a religious event, to remember a resurrection, something that continues in importance — is frankly absurd to most people. The ancient practice of blood sacrifice, gods/goddesses that come-to-life after death, all of that — is obscure even to those who have a religious faith. What made this Easter remarkable, was the fact that the churches were forbidden to conduct their customary gatherings due to the coronavirus.
In my own attempt to revivify, to resuscitate Easter here’s is what I did, the experiences which in fact felt restorative to me.
Our family, we five, four adults and one infant were invited to come by a neighbors driveway a few doors down the street. The neighbor announced her plan to dress up in a bunny suit, stand at the end of her driveway from 9 to 10AM, to wave to all the neighborhood children who passed by. The morning was pleasant with sunshine. We admired the front yards, aglow with spring green. We approached the bunny clad neighbors drive way. I was delighted. I was also inspired with her care to make this Easter fun for the children in the neighborhood. Her husband was outside as well. We said “thank you” as we passed by.
We strolled around the block, admiring the landscaped beauty of the front yards. The variety of trees and shrubs was interesting. Landscaping is an art form. I believe Cicero said that all a person needs to be happy is a garden and a library. I saw these miniature buttercups along our way. They sparkled gem-like in the sunshine.
How can one’s spirits not be elevated by the rapture of new life bursting from the ground? These red stalks are aggressively growing, taller by the day at the side of our driveway.
After our short walk, we sat down to a morning meal of breakfast-pizza. Slices of pizza crust baked with eggs, sausage, with cheese on top is a special treat only prepared on holidays such as Christmas and Easter. We also had slices of citrus. The meal was a milestone for our grand daughter because she had her first taste of an orange. A fresh orange is one of the delicacies of life, sunshine in liquid form. She found the orange slice to be delicious. She will find words to express wonderment in due time.