Plague Journal, Embraced By The Cosmos
The rumination about freedom vs determinism, the conundrum presented by cause and effect runs its course. It is time to move on to another stop on our journey. After all, change in scenery, variety is what we are looking for. Life is more than one topic, a single discussion.
I took a short walk by the river yesterday morning. I was fortunate to capture these photos. Are we not benefited by moments of good fortune every day that we live? Certainly when I entertain that “belief” I notice those occasions more readily. The conscious mind fulfills the “frame” of our lives with what we expect to find. Strange and wonderful.
That is why everyone has a story to tell. Their rendition of their unique journey may be inspiring or …. terrible. Is it up to us how we tell our story?
Here are some lines taken from The Rebel by Albert Camus which are relevant to the topic we’ve contemplated.
Not odious fate (odium fati)
but beloved fate (armor fati)
“every individual collaborates
with the entire cosmos,
whether we know it or not,
whether we want to or not.
“A child is innocence and forgetfulness,
a new beginning, a gamble,
a wheel that spins automatically,
a first step,
the divine gift of being able to consent.”
It is impossible to give a clear account of the world,
but art can teach us to reproduce it –
just as the world reproduces itself
in the course of its eternal gyrations.
— excerpt The Rebel by Albert Camus
This tune will get us through this day. The great Annie Lennox, and the Eurythmics, Here Comes the Rain Again.