Plague Journal, Flea Market
We visited the Flea Market at the Kane County Fairgrounds. Pandemic restrictions have recently been lifted here in Illinois. We are eager to freely move about in public. The fairgrounds had more exhibits of bric-a-brac, colorful 1950s vintage serving bowls, a collection of solid brass doorknobs embossed with a cross, — than we could see in our two hours of walking around. The out of doors spaces and the indoor exhibit buildings were crowed with patrons, appearing to be working class, of varied ethnic backgrounds. In this country, do not we all come from somewhere else? A society of immigrants. American Indians excepted, that is a fact.
I was curious about several vintage wooden boxes about three feet long, with an exterior carrying handle on the lid. Instinct told me that the boxes had something to do with firearms. I asked the proprietor, who appeared to be around my age, and learned that the containers were used to ship parts for WWII rifles to California, where the guns were assembled. Now that was a story, — almost certainly a work-around of the prohibition of interstate transportation of firearms, a post-WWII black market in weapons? The proprietor went on to sarcastically comment, “what a great country, with all of the ‘free’ government money being handed out…” Then more to the point, he commented that he was still waiting for his stimulus check. I offered that we received our stimulus check after our 2020 tax returns were filed. He replied that his return wouldn’t be filed until September. He walked off muttering, “the ‘guy in office’ now was such an idiot, etc. etc.”
Reflecting upon that brief encounter, it seems to me that the Democratic party would be advised to dedicate financial and personnel resources to Flea Markets everywhere. “Nearly free” coffee and donuts offered to everyone would be a good start. Good will speaks for itself, — no explanation needed.
Kindness is persuasive.