Plague Journal, Infant Mortality
“Humanity’s past
has been relatively brief:
some 300,000 years as a species,
a few thousand years of civilization.
Its potential future, by contrast,
could extend for billions of years,
encompassing many trillions
of sentient, rational beings
yet to be born.”
The future – the adulthood of humanity
is now in jeopardy.
“If our species does destroy itself,”
wrote Orville Schell, “it will be
a death in the cradle – a case of
infant mortality.”
— Jim Holt
There is much beauty, and of utmost importance, the companionship of friends. These, are crucial as we face a crisis of indescribable magnitude, an accelerating warming of the climate, as the earth becomes less hospitable to life. These photos were captured over the last day or so, while walking around our yard. Whether an iris at peak bloom, or a more humble wild flower of which I do not know the name, all are magnificent organic gems evolved to be looked at in their condensed life spans.