Plague Journal, KaBoom
Yesterday I read fragments of a report on the massive Pro-Trump demonstration in Washington DC. Thousands gathered to wave flags and to march noisily through the streets to protest of the outcome of one of the cleanest U.S. elections in modern times. So much for the notion that President elect Biden will unite the country behind his leadership. The marchers in Washington have fallen into the intellectual black hole of the-conspiracy-minded. They cannot escape. They’re existentially changed by a steady diet of Fox News, Alex Jones and others of his ilk, on social media. The rest of their lives will continue in smoldering resentment toward the government, believing that any official account of anything (the covid-19 pandemic) is a sinister fabrication.
The pandemic grows. We have reports of a very effective vaccine in the final stage of trials by Pfizer Pharmaceutical. So far there is no Federal guidance to the states for distributing the vaccine, and no aid (8.4 billion needed) to the cash strapped states.
I continue to read BREATHING Chaos and Poetry by Franco “Bifo” Berardi.
The established order – social, political, economic, and sexual – aims to enforce a concatenation that stiffens and stifles the vibrational oscillation of singularities. This stiffening results in…”spasms.”
The spasm provokes suffering and breathlessness in the nervous system and the consciousness of the social organism…It invites the organism to remodulate its vibration and to create, ex nihilo, a harmonic order by way of resingularization.
In the spasm sound collapses into noise, a tangle of inaudible voices.
The Trump administration is no fluke, no accident, the result of a con-mans ability to seize opportunity offered by a rare coincidence of circumstances. In the age of Capitalism society structured by the automatisms of financial code, the mantras of efficiency, of maximizing value, is unsustainable, has been in the process of collapse for many years. Trump and the party formerly known as the Republican Party are a spasm, the nervous system of an entire society in convulsion. The noise, the roar of the flag waving crowd on Pennsylvania Avenue are a tangle of inaudible voices. They came to Washington feeling uncertainty, superfluous, economically marginalized in the face of globalization, — believing that Trump is their saviour.
Will we survive these birth pangs, to deliver a society that moves toward restructuring, to sustainability? This is the down to earth way of saying, “resingularization.” Basic healthcare, education for citizenship, a representative democracy accountable to the citizen, and of supreme importance, a “do no harm principle” as pertaining to the commons of Nature — these are all non-negotiable for a sustainable society.
“Please Come To Boston” is the tune offered to frame today’s post. My intention is that the sonic harmony and the lyric of the selected tunes take priority over the prose that I have written. The poets and composers say it with more clarity, with more soul.
The Trumpist conspiracy mongering currently enthralling a third of us, along with the covid-19 pandemic — is a great explosion shattering “normal life” into pieces. Ordinary life includes socializing, chasing one’s dreams, freedom of movement from place to place, and the prospect of falling in love, settling-in to put down roots. The song by Dave Loggins is about all of those things. The tune is that of a wistful remembrance of what has been lost. The only thing that matters is the ability to love. To return home, is to discover unaccountably, by dint of good fortune how to love and be loved.
Enjoy, and take from it what you need.