Plague Journal, Shining For A Moment
Since the world is on a delusional course,
we must adopt a delusional standpoint
towards the world.
Better to die from extremes
than starting from the extremes.
Excerpt, The Transparency of Evil – After The Orgy by Jean Baudrillard
Properly speaking
there is now no law of value,
merely a sort of epidemic of value,
a sort of general metastasis of value,
a haphazard proliferation and dispersal of value.
Indeed we should no longer speak of ‘value’ at all,
for this kind of propagation or chain reaction
makes all valuation impossible.
Once again we are put in the mind of microphysics:
it is impossible to make estimations
between beautiful and ugly,
true and false, or good and evil,
as it is simultaneously to calculate
a particle’s speed and position.
Good is no longer the opposite of evil,
nothing can now be plotted on a graph or analyzed
in terms of abscissas and ordinates.
just as each particle follows its own trajectory,
each value or fragment of value shines for a moment
in the heavens of simulation,
then disappears into a void
along a crooked path that only rarely
happens to intersect with other paths.
This is the pattern of the fractal
– and hence the current pattern of our culture.
p. 6
Are we not in the midst of dying from extremes?