Plague Journal, Tear Gas
The protest demonstrations following the May murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis have waned. Demonstrations have waned in other cites, except for Portland, Oregon. There demonstrations have continued for 55 consecutive nights against police brutality and other grievances. Last night, Mayor Ted Wheeler who joined the lawful demonstration was tear gassed.
Portland has given the President occasion to dispatch camo clad federal officers in unmarked vans in order to suppress the demonstrations — in his bid to position himself as the law & order candidate, with the upcoming November election in mind. The President is mindful that states in the south and west are roiled with increasing rates of coronavirus infection, and the death toll is rising. Rightfully blamed for abdication of responsibility to coordinate a national response to the infection, now he desires to divert attention from his diffident, erratic response to the pandemic.
Closer to home here in the midwest, the President and his Attorney General announced sending a detachment of 200 additional agents to Chicago. . Both men took pains to explain that the 200 agents, drawn from the ATF, Homeland Security, the FBI, etc., would be working with Chicago Police in the usual fashion, and not acting independently to arrest demonstrators as they are doing in Portland. Mayor Lightfoot cautiously accepted the help, unsure if this will prove to be true. The President after all is known to lie often and easily.
Under what conditions will the November election be held, when contingents of federal “brown-shirts” are deployed on the streets of major American cities, many of which have Democratic mayors?
This is to preface some paragraphs that I would like to share, written about the 1965 Watts riots in Los Angeles. Guy Debord penned these words in analysis of the uprising of poor blacks living in Watts, right next door to Hollywood. The riots lasted for three days and were finally suppressed by thousands of police and soldiers, including an entire infantry division supported by tanks. Stores were plundered and burned. Official sources listed 32 dead, 800 wounded, and 3000 arrests. Perhaps you were not alive in 1965 to remember these events.
It is obvious that the crude and glaring illegality
from which blacks still suffer in many American states
has its roots in a socioeconomic contradiction
that is not within the scope of existing laws,
and that no future judicial law will be able to get rid of this contradiction
in the face of the more fundamental laws of this society.
What American blacks are really daring to demand is the right to really live,
and in the final analysis this requires nothing less
than the total subversion of this society.
….The issue is no longer the condition of American blacks,
but the condition of America,
which merely happens to find its first expression among the blacks.
How do people make history
under conditions designed
to dissuade them from intervening in it?
Los Angeles blacks are better paid than any others in the United States,
but they are also
the most separated from the California superopulence
that is flaunted all around them.
Hollywood, the pole of the global spectacle, is right next door.
They are promised that, with patience,
they will join in America’s prosperity,
but they come to see that this prosperity
is not a fixed state but an endless ladder.
The higher they climb,
the farther they get from the top,
because they start off disadvantaged,
because they are less qualified
and thus more numerous among the unemployed,
and finally because the hierarchy that crushes them
is not based on economic buying power alone:
they are also treated as inherently inferior
in every area of daily life
by the customs and prejudices of a society
in which all human power is based on buying power.
Just as the human riches of the American blacks
are despised and treated as criminal,
monetary riches
will never make them completely acceptable in America’s alienated society:
individual wealth will only make a rich nigger
because blacks as a whole must represent poverty
in a society of hierarchized wealth.
Excerpt, The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy
by Guy Debord
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
4 thoughts on “Plague Journal, Tear Gas”
Hi Kids,
It has been a while so I ask your forgiveness if I run on in commentary: I too have realized, thankfully, the toll all this has taken upon myself. I have just been catching up with posts – so take a deep breathe , all the way down into the dantien; we better start practicing, we are all going to be in need of centering our ‘Chi’ as the days ahead unfold. This is the ‘force’ Jerry has elegantly alluded to in previous thoughts on ‘The Way’. The word this is referring to is never spoken of by followers. While I am at it, please allow me a brief history of Taoist ( one couldn’t really say ‘The Way ist’, now could one?) cosmology – you physicists will marvel. We will have to backup to the symbol most people wrongly refer to as ‘Yin/Yang’ : If one was to ask a Chinese person, “What’s That?”, she would respond; “Oh, that is T’ai Chi’ – translation meaning ‘The Supreme Ultimate’ or ‘The Ultimate Supreme’ or a dozen other similar in meaning translations (try reading ‘The I Ching’ – the ‘real’ one, not the 80 page paperback – though I do such disservice for that to is the ‘I Ching’. It just occurs to me as if when much of all ancient Eastern philosophy or religion was written that an awareness existed that many things can’t be summed up with mere words, especially a single one. (excuse me, I’m drifting – back to the tutorial)…….
What I practice is known as T’ai Chi Ch’uan – in English; Supreme Ultimate Boxing ( Ch’uan ). The Ch’uan was dropped because it seemed to lengthy and hard to pronounce. And taiji ( I’m a teacher, I can call it anything – just kidding, this is just easier and goes back to what I just proposed about words from these disciplines and schools of thought), and the ‘Western’ view became focused on the health benefit, as serious practitioners noticed they were getting healthier (and the Internal arts were rare in this country – mostly known were the External Arts brought back from wars with Japan and the following Occupation, and a war in Korea. Chinese martial arts, Kung Fu, Bagua, Taiji, and more than you could imagine, remained a mystery.)
So? What’s the point in all this I suspect many are starting to wonder, (readers of the boys from Copenhagen pay close attention now):
In Taoist cosmology, first there was Wu Chi (the Great Emptiness, the Supreme Nothingness, Ultimate Void and so on). From Wu Chi, (the Great Nothingness); came, sprang, burst forth – don’t ask me, I just read this stuff – T’ai Chi (the Ultimate Supreme). Remind anyone of something? T’ai Chi then split into Yin and Yang, in perfect balance. Note that where the darkness is greatest, the ‘light’ begins to emerge. My right shoulder tires, we will get to the nitty gritty of all this down the road.
Al, unless I misunderstand, is this a soliloquy on “the great nothing?”
Actually, the association with the ‘Big Bang’ theory is revealing (?) considering these views originated by cultures half a world and several millennia apart. BTW; the ‘dantien’ referred to is identified by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and, as well as in the ‘Internal’ martial arts, as being located about 2″ in and 2″ below the naval. This is, as mentioned, where ‘Chi’ (let us, just for the sake of this discussion, not debate the merits of this recognized ‘force’ or what is ‘dark matter’ or ‘dark energy’ while we’re at it) is gathered and stored. Interestingly, this identical location is of central importance in Yaqui Indian mysticism (re: the anthropologist, Dr. Carlos Castaneda – “The Teachings of Don Juan” trilogy). Again, half a world apart and separated by millennia. Of importance here is the diverse thinking of this ‘mystical spot’. In Taoist, and contemporary Chinese thinking (yes), this is an area to be ‘open’, to allow the gathering of Chi; and in the Internal martial arts, this is where all force originates (taught as, ‘everything originates from the waist’ so as not to scare off newbies – when I volunteered teaching Qigong at a senior center I certainly didn’t toss out such words as dantien). Unlike the Taoists, In Yaqui Indian mysticism, this spot is to be protected, guarded. Evil, unwholesomeness can enter here, mainly in the spirit ‘Mescalito’. There even exists a formal gait that has ones’ hands clasped over the area, walking at a fast pace, when feeling threatened – known as ‘The Gait of Power’. My query is on Yin and Yang, and balance. Particularly after a personal mind numbing occurrence that I experienced years ago, some time after a profound tragic loss in my life. Enough! Perhaps the ‘Great Nothing’ refers to that which exists in the appendage upon my neck. Tune in the next chapter to follow in this chautauqau.
Have only a vague idea of what you mean. Perhaps more reading in Carlos Castaneda? Nice turns of phrase though.