Politics and War
If I had to provide a definition, I would say that politics has to do with the relationship between a collectivity and the available and necessary resources, with the aim of employing such resources to increase the happiness of the collectivity -if we understand collectivity as the sum of its individual members, and happiness as a perception which can only belong to individuals as individuals.
….There is politics, there is camaraderie, and there is war.
And it is important to keep the three things separated.
Warfare, in its most technical and obvious sense, is a field in which the only legitimate aim is victory. Warfare is not a place for demonstrations, representation, polite discussion. The battlefield is not a ground for dancing opinions, liberal meekness, Christian self-flagellation. The battlefield is a ground that is starkly divided between victory and defeat -and nothing else.
Warfare is a place of rational ruthlessness. Any means, any alliance is allowed, as long as it leads to long-lasting victory.
If the path to politics is blocked, we must remove the garbage that is in our way.
— Excerpt, The Last Night by Frederico Campagna p. 82 & 88
I finished the book written by Campagna. These lines come from the Postscript, the final section of the book. These lines need to be taken into account as a truthful appraisal of our times. Should we not align our manner of thinking and our behavior, if we desire to survive, and if our children’s future is not to become one of intensified inequality, with numbers turned out into the streets, into the growing urban and suburban slums of the world?