Pure As New York Snow
A friend issued a challenge to the members of our discussion group. We were asked to conceive an idea or an aspect of experience that is universal, upon which everyone would tend to agree. The idea was to imagine a basis upon which we could begin to dialog with those with whom we usuallyvociferously disagree. It’s obvious that our society is badly divided. Media of all types report on the severity of the divisions from the official levels of congress, state legislatures, to the citizens who use Facebook. Indeed electronic media is much used to intensify acrimonious exchanges.
After thinking for a day on the possibilities of a launch point for civil dialog, I appreciated the magnitude of the challenge. After reading attempts by several group members, and having a bit of conversation about the subject, I decided to risk my response. I wrote a few paragraphs about food and music, about how these experiences unify us in our diversity of cultures.
As respite from thinking and writing about state of our politics, I offer another tune for your enjoyment and contemplation. I’ve been a fan of pop music since I was a kid. I remember doing my homework, reclining with the radio on the shelf behind me playing Elvis ballads and Barry Gordy’s great Motown songs. Rock and Roll has been my lifeline for a life time, and I bless the gods that be for the inspiration given to the lyricists, and the artists who feel the joy and sorrow of humanity in the bass line and the guitar chords. Yes, I worship at the altar of music.
Kim Carnes song, Bette Davis Eyes written in 1974 by Jackie De Shannon and Donna Weiss always knocks me out. The tune captures magnificently the sensual sizzle between male and female, with the protagonist in this story line being female. I am reminded of how much strong women have to offer on many levels. This seductress is truly interesting. No doubt she’d have some fascinating stories to tell. There is no denying the sexuality, the attraction driving natures breaking wave of life. Between the human male and female this is delightfully embellished by courtship ritual behaviors. The protagonist in this tune is a virtuoso. I’ve said enough. Enjoy!