Reality, Slice by Slice
Wow! What a discussion. There is nothing more ordinary than “reality” and nothing more controversial. When we seriously think about what we mean by “reality” we encounter levels, horizontal slices of a cake. Which slice is desired, pointed to—involves the vocabulary and the syntax that you must use to describe that segment of reality. At the very lowest level, the level of energy transfers, ordinary words fail miserably. Only mathematics will do. And do not even try to translate the math. If you make the attempt you get language such as, particles, energy packets, wave forms, etc. Then you are falling over the linguistic edge.
At the quantum level nothing is definite. It’s all a energy dance, on a ball room dance floor. Any measurement changes the tempo. Scale that up to the planetary size, to the solar system size, and the passage of a single planet can be measured to the pico second.
We do not live at the subatomic level. We live somewhere in the middle. I am holding a very good cup of coffee* in my right hand. It is hot, with astringent flavor but not bitter. Experience is the real coin of this realm. Ordinary language serves just fine.
*This is not a Starbucks ad.