“Who dares despise the day of small things,……”
–Zechariah 4:10 niv
I cannot recall beginning a post with a quotation from the prophets of the Old Testament. These words strike me as fitting.
Today I responded to a request from a long term customer. While working on site in a remodeled space that will soon be put to good use, I recalled how many years my company has worked for this customer. It has been a mutually beneficial relationship. The number of years is more than 30.
While seated in office of the service manager I found myself gazing at a cluster of blue data-cables zip tied, running overhead. The bundle was as thick as my arm. At the inception of the relationship, data exchange was limited to a dialup connection performing the scream of the electronic handshake. That was about it. Now every aspect of the business is connected.
Most products have an internet component.
I thought of the original building housing my clients business which happens to be close at hand here in Barrington. To satisfy my sense of memory, and to gauge the scale of change I took several photos with the iphone.
The passage of time means change, sometimes very rapid
change. There are things that ought not to change, that are precious in themselves, that are worth enshrining. What are the non negotiable principles by which I live my life? What of my words deserve to be cut into stone? Like these principles which are posted on the wall in the customer waiting room.
And who is to say that your life, my life, and our deeds are small things, of no consequence?