Yesterday a friend sent me a link to a collection of photos taken on Lake Baikal in Siberia. Baikal is the world’s deepest fresh water lake. The ice formations, sculpted by the effect of wind and temperature fluctuation were starkly beautiful. I would happily travel there any time of year to experience this faraway place, to say “hello” to the people who live there, to observe how they live, and to record the work of nature with my Sony camera.
While viewing the photos I was reminded that Nature is extravagant in it’s offer of form, texture, movement, and color: objects of beauty on every scale. There is a world of hustling life in a drop of ditch water. Just walk around, observe with care—- especially at springtime.
On the short walk from my office in Long Grove to the coffee shop where I sit to have lunch, my eye was arrested by these iris plants beginning to bloom. A strip of ground between the concrete side walk and the road is weed-choked, neglected, without care. Iris bulbs planted by someone unknown rise up like blue angels from the sodden ground, asserting their gem-like radiance on a gray, rainy morning.
Nature is our mother. Her gifts are abundant. Relax and enjoy!