Monday. This is a week of celebration. The key event will be Thursday, the 4th of July birthday celebration for the country.
It is impossible to ignore signs of America in dotage. The two candidates for the Presidency are 81 and 78. Face to face for 90 minutes of debate they traded insults, the incumbent appeared lost in confusion at first, the challenger fulfilled my anticipation, iconic of the ill-tempered, treacherous, unhinged old man.
“Is this the ‘best’ that we (America) can do” is an irrelevant and fatuous question. This, what we have done stands an indefatigable witness to our condition. Still…
The lilies in the garden have been superlative, a lesson from nature of meaning and beauty, another demonstration of exuberant possibility. Nature is our word for the shuttle between life and death. It is necessary to relinquish what we have, die, so that we can be born once again. I realize the metaphor is quasi-religious and the notion is threadbare. Despite trying to be secular minded, I find it compelling…