Sacred Uncertainty
I am quite taken by Rob Brezsny’s use of language. I enjoy and learn from reading his frequent posts which are thoughtful and quasi philosophical. Not that I “get” everything that he presents. I miss the point of astrology. As a vehicle, a conductor for fruitful living, astrology is not for me. I remind myself that agreement on every point is unnecessary before benefiting from, and supporting much of what Brezsny has to say.
I borrowed these images from Brezsny’s post of May 28 because this sense of “things” strikes home, resonates, make good sense to me. Brezsny utilizes the impending political campaign season to insist that the time of decision, propitious time to cast a ballot has arrived for the reader. Now is “high time” to change your life! To read the full edition of Brezsny’s newsletter CLICK HERE
The truth is fluid and slippery
and vagrant and scrambled
and promiscuous
and gorgeously abundant.
You know
there are at last three sides
to every story
don’t you?
Every person alive
has a piece of the truth,
and no one has more than a piece.
Therefore, the rule
is sacred uncertainty.
So, whatever antique monster(s) you have made your god(s),
whatever media viruses you have invited into your soul,
The time is now
decide for your own
purified, glorified, unified,
mystifying self.
- Learn to kick your own ass,
wash your own brain, before
someone nasty beats you to it. - Never bore the Goddess
- Practice opposition to all duality.
- Know that everyone who believes
in the devil is the devil. - Use the word “asshole” as a term of endearment.
To conclude,
This language prevents crime,
This engineering moves us to sing.
These advertisements make us smart.
This rhythm frees all the prisoners of childhood.
A song is called for. Music can assure us that we belong, “the journey” is our home. This one, White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane! All who regret missing Woodstock, myself included, enjoy this!