Wednesday is another gray day. It is somewhat warmer, 18 degrees. It is snowing outside. A giant nor’easter is hammering the east coast today with wind, freezing rain and ice from Florida to the Carolinas. The meteorologists are warning of up to six inches of snow into New England. Climate change, what climate change…..?
I am grieving the loss of our grand-daughter. She died a few weeks before her expected birth. The loss was sudden, unexpected, traumatic. Like a winter ice cyclone striking the South.
This morning I spent an hour reading the Leo. The Leo is an alt-weekly publication from Louisville Kentucky. The Leo is contrarian, anti-establishment. The writing is excellent. I read the Leo as an act of solidarity with our daughter and her partner who live in Louisville. Its editorial slant on culture and politics in particular strike me as eminently sane.
Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
—Dr. Strangelove
I could only wish this tweet originated from a fictional creation. But no. It is a tweet directed to North Korea by our con-man, carpet-bagger president, protected by the servile Republican Party. Our democracy is in tatters. Insanity reigns. Autocrat to autocrat, –Kim Jong Un.
The philosophy discussion last night proved stimulating. Philosophy at its best is a form of self therapy. Conventional ways of using language create dissonance for us with the passage of time. Time means change and meaning is shaped by context. What does “family” mean in 2018? Certainly not what it meant in the 1960’s. Likewise what does it mean to love your country? What is meant by “my country?” Surely the reference to love is not a nod to romance. Something more robust, more reality based is meant. What is real anymore? Is language failing?