Saturday Ruminations
The Starbucks big room is quieter than usual. There’s not the usual hubbub of workers stopping in picking up iphone orders, moms and dads stopping by with kids amid early morning walks. I shouldn’t neglect mention of the runners, and the women who attend nearby yoga classes. All of these groups form a loose “Starbucks community.” How do I fit in here? I am not sure. Except that I enjoy coffee. Coffee is my comforting libation while reading or writing.
I reviewed some of the photographs that I captured this past week. Without making a distinction between the flowers viewed in the marsh from those contemplated in the yard, all are extraordinary, living sculptures, of a few days in duration. I work to discover new words to express the beauty displayed by each of the blooms. At best words are only pointers are they not? One has to look for oneself. But, do not touch.
Included is a photo of a new addition to the backyard. It’s a sculpture of a whimsical rabbit. Rabbits multiply in the spring. Rabbits are vegetarians, prey for larger carnivorous creatures of the woodland. I enjoy watching several wild rabbits at a distance, peaceably grazing on the lawn. This is not to be taken for granted though. When a rabbit discovers a hosta plant agreeable to it’s taste, the creature settles down for a full meal.
I am reminded of the quotation, the admonition offered by Ludwig Wittgenstein:
Don’t think, – look.