Sheep Thrills
We are well into spring. I worked with a rake clearing up the debris fallen from the two old blue spruce trees, winters leavings. Two garbage containers were filled with twigs, and pine cones. Butter cups are on the cusp of blooming. The tulips will be close behind.
I was reminded of the nature of the season by a visit of my daughter and her partner from Louisville. I received a belated birthday present, which sparked the idea for this post: Sheep Thrills. Is not spring the quintessential season of newness? Within the never ending ebb and flow, the rapids and the eddies of change—spring is the season of emergence. All species of mammal and avian friends among which we live are seeking a suitable mating partner. New life is in the air. Sheep grazing, and the early spring lambing season is an image that works for me. (Or sheep descending with rainbow colored parachutes.)
I offer for your contemplation and beneficence the exhilarating singularity of the new, what never before existed and never again will be.
Tulips encouraged to bloom are brought inside to embellish the dining room. Their radiance of form and delicate shading is a logo, a sign of God’s work; the ceaseless wave of life always offers up for our appreciation — the latest model. Nature is a showroom.
I was served a Poire Financier at Taste of Paris yesterday morning. A pear was baked in a small round dish in a bed of almond paste. I will not attempt to describe the deliciousness of this combination of fruit and nut flavors. Once again motivation stirred to study French in order to become more knowledgeable about the high art of French cuisine.
Yesterday afternoon a much anticipated birthday party for our first grand daughter was greatly enjoyed by the extended family. Certainly she will not remember any of the detail of the balloons, the hubbub of a house full of well wishers. I remember little if anything of the time before language, when I was one year old. I hope that she will have a deep sense that she was loved from the beginning, welcomed into this world.
Finally I offer a glimpse of an albino-headed robin that I’ve seen lately. I managed to get a photo this morning. If you happen to have some knowledge of this phenomenon do post a comment.