Stephen King Weighs In
Stephen King makes his feelings about Kavanaugh very clear on Twitter
Stephen King is no fan of Brett Kavanaugh.
People across the world tuned in to watch Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh give their testimonies in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.
And all across the world, people were tweeting their reactions.
Stephen King was among them. And he made it very, very clear who he was supporting.
The following tweet, which he posted as the day was drawing to a close, has since been shared over 25,000 times.
Ask yourself who has more motivation for lying: the professor who’s had her whole life turned upside down, or the judge who stands to land a lifetime job at a quarter-mill a year, plus bennies the ordinary Joe can only dream about?
5:30 PM – Sep 27, 2018
Finally, King used a reference from the Coen brothers’ Miller’s Crossing to draw a parallel with Kavanaugh.
Joel and Ethan Coen on Kavanaugh’s tears (from Miller’s Crossing): “I’d just squirt a few and then you’d let me go again.”
8:49 PM – Sep 27, 2018
King’s referring to a line spoken by John Turturro’s character, Bernie Bernbaum, to main character Tom Reagan (Gabriel Byrne).
Earlier in the film, Reagan takes mercy on Bernbaum, opting not to kill after the man breaks down crying in front of him.
Later, we realise his tears were nothing more than an attempt to save himself.
This information is sourced from MASHABLE
2 thoughts on “Stephen King Weighs In”
We live in an era when the so-called religious will lie under oath, swearing before God that their testimony is the truth and nothing but the truth so help them God. In doing so, they believe in their hearts that their mission is to save the world from debauchery and immorality through any means necessary. Lying under oath is not a crime but a part of the God-given process to save the world. The fact that people such as Trump, Kavanaugh, Huckabee, Pence, Grassley, and the entire lot of them feel it is their duty to set the world right, has nothing to do with honor or honesty. It has to do with power, entitlement, and their own version of morality. This is a Self-Proclaimed Morality steeped in hypocrisy that they feel must be used to restore order in the universe, and the liberal riff-raff be damned.
A accurate summation of our situation. Their end justifies any means. I’ve lately thought about the inherent violence within the thinking of anyone who self-identifies as “conservative.” By now it should be transparent and clear to everyone that this mafia like administration is a wrecking ball. Those who continue to hew to the party line are violent minded folks. Or so it seems to me.