Techne, τέχνη
I continue to read about technology. I finished the essay which is to serve as basis for our coming Tuesday evening discussion. I am nearing the finish of another essay by Martin Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology. This essay was first delivered to The Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, on November 18, 1953. I was four years old in 1953.
I use Google and Amazon day to day, and very little of Facebook. Recognizing how essential iphone delivered services have come to be, — it “feels” like we are certainly f____d with regard to technology. Maybe I will come to think otherwise.
Techne is destiny…….
Here are some of Heidegger’s words:
Always the destining of revealing
holds complete sway over men.
But that destining is never a fate that compels.
for man becomes truly free only insofar
as he belongs to the realm of destining
and so becomes one who listens,
though not one who simply obeys…..Freedom is that which conceals
in a way that opens to light,
in whose clearing shimmers the veil
that hides the essential occurrence
of all truth
and lets the veil appear
as what veils.
—excerpt The Question Concerning Technology,
By Martin Heidegger p 330
PS Just listened to Eclipse from the Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. There’s no dark side of the moon, — because its all dark. Thanks to Pink Floyd there is hope!