The Primal Fact
Car show weekend in Geneva. Today, Sunday is the big show, the Geneva concurs d’elegance. Both sides of 3rd as well as side streets are parked with exotic collector cars and race cars of all vintages. This is an annual event. Sure it’s testosterone laced, a fashion show of shaped metal, painted, polished to a mirror-like surface, and power plants, machinery sculpted for function, the incremental, inexorable “problem solving” of engineering. This day features more Ferrari sports cars in town than any other day.
I will take a quick walk down 3rd Street in a few minutes, and no doubt will take pictures. Digital photography is another example of development, from the tin types of the mid 1800s, to chemical process Kodak film, and now the light sensing semiconductor chip.
“Exploitation” can be understood as a simple description of what a living organism must do, and will do to sustain itself. Everything that lives, NO exceptions, will seek for and will arrange materials into forms that support and express it’s manner of being.
Perhaps what is needed, is acute awareness of exactly what we are doing. And to perfect practice with the delicate touch of a connoisseur.
does not belong to a corrupted
or imperfect,
primitive society:
it belongs to the essence of being alive
as a fundamental organic function;
it is a result of
genuine will to power,
which is just
the will of life.
– Although this is an innovation at the level of theory,
– at the level of reality,
it is the primal fact of all history.
Let us be honest with ourselves
to this extent at least! –
Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. by Judith Norman, aphorism 259
*The header image is of a Lamborghini.