The Weight Of Brilliance
Let us stop thinking
so much about punishing, reproaching, and improving others!
We rarely change an
individual, and if we should succeed for once,
something may also have been accomplished, unnoticed:
we may have been changed by him.
Let us rather see to it
that our own influence on all that is yet to come
balances and outweighs his influence.
Let us not contend in a direct fight—
and that is what all reproaching, punishing,
and attempts to improve others amount to.
Let us rather raise ourselves that much higher.
Let us color our own example ever more brilliantly.
Let our brilliance
make them look dark.
No, let us not
become darker ourselves
on their account,
like all those who punish others
and feel dissatisfied.
Let us sooner step aside.
Let us look away.
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 4, Section 321 by Friedrich Nietzsche
Are you saying there is one choice, just a single choice?
It is up to me to chose whether to be a Lover
or to be a Punisher?