Thinking About War
I am interested in war. My interest is a profound irony because by temperament I am “bookish” as some would say. I like a good story, wherever I can find one. I have plans to read Homer, and have purchased several translations. I know it’s a good story.
I viewed the film The Last Jedi last night at the theater. The story line was average to mediocre by my standards. I was relieved. The last two iterations of the Star Wars franchise were abysmally poor story telling. They were unwatchable unless one gets pumped by spiffy CGI effects and lots of hand to hand laser sword combat. I should have asked for a refund after suffering through both of those films.
I came away from The Last Jedi with two persistent impressions. Senior citizens came to the rescue to save the Resistance. Retirees have the right kind of mojo. The aged Luke Skywalker does not “die” after the final great combat scene. He vanishes into eternity. You’ve got to see it. The second take away is more grim. The future is to be one of conflict, unending war, a struggle of the dispossessed against the hegemon of state power, whomever he (she) happens to be. The next “dark lord” was introduced at the end of the film, Kylo Ren. Hardly a prospect for peace, love and harmony,— the story line defines the native habitat of humanity as that of war. Without doubt a surefire entré for further iterations of the Star Wars franchise.
A few days ago I read a short Washington Post piece by Amy Wang. Wang reported a visit by Marine General Robert Neller to 300 marines temporarily posted to Norway in order to support NATO.
“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” Gen. Robert Neller told the Marines on Thursday, according to “You’re in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence.”
Of course military officers have always beat the drums of war to inspire and ready the troops for the work of killing that they are trained to do. I was shocked that a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top marine general so crassly stated that killing was likely to be done in the near future.
You can read the Post article for yourself. If interested CLICK HERE