This Well-upholstered Hell
I awakened this morning, barely. I am diabetic and as it happened I awakened with low blood sugar. At the level of physical function, I did well enough. I prepared my bowl of cheerios. Then I attempted to check my blood sugar. I found that my faculties of reason were impaired. I could not remember the sequence of steps that surely I have performed thousands of times, to take the reading and enter the data into my insulin pump. That was frustrating, and a bit scary. I muddled though.
The first item to come across on the morning news, was anticipation that the President will announce his decision on the Iran Nuclear weapons agreement. The newscaster said that the president is expected to weaken the deal with Iran. Like a man with impaired reason.
So here I am, and here we are. Muddling through. Until we do not.
He had drawn nausea and death
to himself from all sides,
like a sponge that absorbs water
until it is full.
He was full of ennui, full of misery,
full of death;
there was nothing left in the world
that could attract him,
that could give him pleasure and solace.
He wished passionately for oblivion.…to spit out this stale wine,
to make an end of this
bitter, painful life.
–excerpt Siddhartha by Herman Hesse