To Turn Back A Straight Line
–Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Architect and artist
December 15, 1928 – February 19, 2000
The logic freaks
have had it their way
for over 2000 years
and all they have to offer now
is more of the same:
more technology,
more rationality,
more surveillance,
more consumption,
more control.
No more marches, let’s play jazz. The only way to turn back a straight line is with a curve.
WTF you wrote those same lines almost a year ago, February 2, 2017. I felt they needed repeating. The really important, and thus the most difficult lessons bear repeating. Practice, practice, practice and I am still not getting it.
It is a cliche, Nature abhors a vacuum. I’ve noticed straight lines seem rare in nature. From my vantage point, I see nothing but curved lines in Nature. The design of organisms seem to favor curvature. This table upon which I rest my computer is a flat surface–but it is trivial compared to the expanse of the Earth —which also appears flat. Straight lines? From space however, it’s spherical. Microscopic organisms, paramecium, and planeria have curved bodies. Survival demands the adaptation of curvature to a water-world. Birds too have curved surfaces to coincide with the exigencies of aerodynamics.
I know it’s counter intuitive. We think that the direct approach is more efficient, the surgical strike gets the job done, the straight line is the “shortest” distance between two points, that force always prevails, the technical solution is the only solution, that there can only be one winner….. You must know where I am going with this.
What are we thinking! Are we thinking at all? What are we doing to ourselves?