Everything is context. The severe weather missed us. A gentle rain had fallen over night. I walked over to the garden. The dark wet earth framed the lush, soft green of the young tomato plants. I noticed some weeds that survived the hoe, making their come back. I pulled a few, throwing them to the side of the garden. Kneeling I smelled the damp earth. The aroma of moist soil was appreciated by mom innumerable times. The earth, its solidity, its life-giving fertility ties us humans together and binds us to Nature. We are rooted in Nature, and we are rooted in our ancestors. This is literal fact, not simply metaphor.
Mom once commented on the pleasure she took in her daily visit to the garden. She received the sight of healthy, thriving, tomato plants with the equal aesthetic pleasure as she would have a beautiful, well designed dress.
Dark economies
suck at the forests
and oceans
like insatiable demons.
But transcendence
starts in the dirt.
–Andrew Mills, -Adbusters Mag