Troubling Our Own House
Another restless night battling this sinus infection. Slept fitfully in the TV room. My condition was not the only thing troubling me. I thought of my co workers, especially the news of a yet to be diagnosed heart condition of one of the men. He is much younger than I. I also could not stop recalling the scenes from the 1960 Stanley Kramer movie, Inherit the Wind. The story comes from a 1925 trial of a high school teacher, John Scopes for violating a Tennessee
law, which forbade teaching anything that contravened the Genesis story of creation. Darrow played by Spencer Tracy and his protagonist, Bryan played by Matthew Harrison.
I grabbed a pad and attempted to write down the quotable lines that were delivered in his historic contest between world views. I was struck by how much has changed and how much things have remained the same. The townsfolk, indefatigable proponents of traditional ways and that “old time religion” are in a panic that their ways are threatened. In the movie they gathered in mass in the town square and in the court room.
Today they gather by the millions on social media, “together” virtually in their homes. The contest is between anti intellectualism, anti science,– the proponents of the old ways now perceived as buttressed by profit rather than by divine authority.
Today, the anti intellectual, anti science assault is directed against the conservation of the earth, and in favor of plunder. Never mind the Indians reasonable request to have say over the use of their land, and their desire for safe clean water. The Dakota Access pipeline is to be built, never mind that we should prudently reduce our use of hydrocarbon energy sources.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from Kramer’s, Inherit The Wind.
He that troubles his own house, shall inherit the wind. –The Proverbs
Truth has meaning, has direction. –Spencer Tracy
With banners flying and drums beating we will be marching backward. –Spencer Tracy
Progress has never been a bargain, but you have to pay for it. –Spencer Tracy
Matt Brady got lost because he looked for God too high up and too far away.—Spencer Tracy
An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral.—Spencer Tracy