Valentine’s Day Elegy
Yesterday I was working out of doors, it was 16 degrees with a stiff 20 mph gusting wind. I persevered to completion of a necessary job. That’s what it means to live as an adult. There are many things that must be done, never mind the discomfort.

On the return drive to the office while stopped at a light, I noticed a sign by the road. It was the sign for Fogcutter Bar, a local watering hole. I remembered that a departed friend once worked there for a while. I smiled inwardly with a nostalgic sense of loneliness. Eric, much younger than I, departed this life, succumbing to cancer. Eric was my son’s best friend. I remember working alongside him on a sunny spring day many years ago. It was a delight to be outside on a fine day with companions to enjoy the banter and stories as we worked. Eric had a easy going demeanor and a kind smile. I am certain that he must have been well suited to tending bar.
Stopped in the traffic, looking at that sign, I could almost hear Eric Wiatr laugh. He would have loved that sign.