We Are All Three
If we simply called ourselves,
using an old expression,
godless, or unbelievers, or perhaps immoralists,
we do not, believe that this would even come close to designating us:
We are all three in such an advanced stage that one
— that you, my curious friends
— could never comprehend how we feel at this point.
Ours is no longer the bitterness and passion of the person
who has torn himself away
and still feels compelled to tum his unbelief
into a new belief,
a purpose,
a martyrdom.
We have
become cold, hard, and tough
in the realization that the way of this world is anything but divine;
even by human standards it is not rational, merciful, or just.
We know it well, the world in which we live
is ungodly, immoral, “inhuman”;
we have interpreted it far too long in a false and mendacious way,
in accordance with the wishes of our reverence,
which is to say – according to our needs.
For man is a reverent animal.
But he is also mistrustful;
and that the world is not worth what we thought it was,
that is about as certain
as anything of which our mistrust has finally got hold.
The more mistrust, the more philosophy.
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 5, Section 346 by Friedrich Nietzsche
Today is Saturday, which has dawned as a fine summer’s day. Yesterday, I went to the Fabyan Estate and Preserve to view the wild flowers. The flowers were a riot of shapes and color. Bees, and dragon flies of various types were captivated by the variety of colors, drawn by the promise of nectar, appeared oblivious to my presence, intruding into their world with my camera.
All appeared beautiful, even the river, quiet, languid in the afternoon sun.
I felt reverence.
I, the reverent animal.