Week Ends and Beginning
Friday is the end of the work week. The weeks ends but in truth work does not end. Life is work. Sometimes work is nothing more or less than acceptance of the circumstances of life. All that I imagined, and wrote in yesterday’s post took place before the Senate Judiciary committee just as I knew that it would.
Lying is an elemental form of violence. Lying is repudiation of reality, the forcible imposition of a false, inimical, toxic unreality upon an unwilling subject. Lying is epistemic rape. Lying is the antithesis of comity. Lying is presentation of ill will to defeat any common cause.
Yesterday before the Senate Judiciary committee, Christine Blase Ford told the truth: he was the perpetrator of attempted rape. His testimony was a studied lie. The party in power applauded his effort, and will vote to confirm him to sit as a Justice on the Supreme Court today. A man who constitutes himself as liar, accedes to the Supreme Court. We have come to this as a society, a nation.
And so my work continues. One must accept what one cannot change, I remind myself. One is not defeated on account of an obstacle. One continues to work, to write, to exercise decency and kindness toward others. Much is to be learned in the course of one’s work. The joy of work is the cultivation of the mind that continues apace with the task that happens to be at hand. What will I discover today? What new continent will come into view on the distant horizon?
The photo is of a back-lighted zinnia blossom just before sunset. The sun is in oblique position to the earth as the day wanes displaying magnificently the form and the color of the flower.