What If
in God is like
“believing” in the taste of fresh-baked bread
without ever having tasted actual fresh-baked bread.
But what if you could commune
with the Divine-Wow
through up-close, personal encounters
that are as vivid as eating fresh-baked bread?
Some people have.
You could, too.
Formulate the intention to do so.
Freewill Astrology Newsletter, Re-Branding God – Museful Numinosity, by Rob Brezsny, Mar. 5, 2024
These lines are worth considering over and over. You and I are language enabled mammals. As far as we have ascertained nothing else matches our capacity to wonder. There is a enduring, subterranean ground-tone within my head, or more responsibly stated within my body, seeking orientation with the external world.
This morning as I drove to Starbucks, I crossed State Street in Geneva, I momentarily saw the sunrise translucent, filtered by a smear of gray clouds, over the Fox River. The scene was a common one. An edition occurs every morning this time of year. Sunrise is another way of saying “morning” is it not? This glimpse was not earth-moving. Not at all. Nevertheless the vista was complete, a small sample of the Divine-Wow.
There are many such ‘experiences’ available throughout the day, I’d wager. May one cultivate receptivity to such first hand knowing of phenomena?
Would you recognize the aroma of fresh baked bread if you had never had a taste, never actually consumed homemade bread? The most you’d manage perhaps, if you’d never known the taste, would be a curiosity at the aroma. That’s all. You’d think to yourself, “What is that smell?” The rest would be ignorance. In fact you’d have nothing.
What if you could enjoy oven-fresh bread throughout the day, on most days? What if you’re palate could be surprised by a wicked variety of fresh-baked samples, offered up to you randomly, unaccountably? An aromatic slice — infused with diced dates, raisins, walnuts, or even bacon? Then you’d know.
What if?
It is the least I can do. To demonstrate gratitude for the exquisitely expressed quote from Ron Brezsny check out a subscription to his newsletter. CLICK HERE
CODA: Belief/faith alone is but a insubstantial shadow of firsthand experience.
Have some bread!