What If We’re Not Screwed?
Yesterday I read about an essay by Joan Westenberg. I clicked the link, read the essay and resonated with her words. I have excerpted some of it here. It just seems timely to pass on these good words. To read the eight minute essay, CLICK HERE.
We are choking on cynicism.
Hope is exactly what we need.
It’s a straight-up rebellion.
- Optimism isn’t a feeling. It’s a practice.
- Setbacks, while inevitable, are not the end. We can always control our response.
- Change isn’t just personal; it’s systemic. Leverage points are small interventions that produce outsized results. Look for the nodes.
- Abstract optimism is useless. Translate hope into behavior.
- Optimism is the slow grind of history, – tiny, deliberate wins that compound. Write down about not screaming at the void today. Sit down for five minutes. Rewire your brain- maybe not everything is doomed.
- Believe and do the work. Optimism is a spark in a powder keg. Change demands faith in the impossible. Faith spreads like a virus.
- Be a schemer, plot, strategize. Surround yourself with the right people, the right habits, the right frameworks. Create a feedback loop of wins.
We’re choking on cynicism. Hope is exactly what we need, – a straight-up rebellion. Refuse to bow to the wreckage. Dare to imagine something better. The future belongs to those reckless enough to believe they can rewrite it.