Three Parts Or Four
All Gaul is divided into three parts,
one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called “Celts,” in our language “Gauls,” the third. All these differ from each other in language, customs and laws.
– excerpt The Gallic War by Julius Caesar (written in 53 BCE), trans. W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn. 1st Edition. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869.
Our group, the Philosophy Bunch explored the essay published in the Atlantic, by George Packer, How America Fractured Into Four Parts. Packer describes four communities of discourse, tribal points of view with distinct lifestyles, with categories of perception, admittedly ideological, which shape their views of “reality.” The basis of intra-member relationship for each of these communities is distinct, seemingly as different as English is from Spanish it seems to me. In Packers terminology there is: Free America, Smart America, Real America, and Just America. Even without reading Packers essay, a cursory familiarity with the political discourse in this election season with a thoughtful consideration of each of Packer’s labels — one recognizes what matters to each of these communities.
A conundrum presented itself in our discussion. We were mystified at the absence of patriotism as a tool to encourage compliance with public health recommendations during the COVID pandemic. Certainly the current administration in power has many admirably educated, capable communicators, therefore the omission can not be due to an oversight. What of the lack of this public relations material? Could the root of the matter be due to the depth of fracture in commonality between all Americans, that we no longer share an overlapping perception, and by extension a shared way of speaking?
Patriotism is a base sensation felt in the body, triggered by certain sights or sounds or ideas. Patriotism is a emotion of excess, something chthonic. It is something that “passes the borders of reason, and no longer depends upon anything.” – Georges Bataille. At best reason struggles, imperfect, inept to capture patriotic feeling.
Division into three parts or four, – division is division.
How about a song, a tune that we may all sing, as we make our way in this dark wood? Indeed! This one by the Bee Gees will serve us well! “We’re living in a world of fools, breaking us down…”
One thought on “Three Parts Or Four”
Very good!