Another Star Falls
We are co-creators of culture. Culture is the web of meaning received from preceding generations. The way of things, our shared sense of life together is handed off generation to generation. A deeper, wider, more satisfying understanding of our place and time on the earth is received from the artists of successive generations. These individuals achieve in their work, the gift of meaning that inspires the rest of us to be more, and do more–of the right things. The designation “star” is thought to indicate the fame and wealth that sometimes accrues because of their work. There is another more sober meaning to the designation “star” that is captured by T. S. Eliot.
The more perfect the artist, the more completely separate in him will be the man who suffers and the mind which creates.
A star passed from our horizon with the passing away of Gregg Allman. Have we not received more light on the path to discovering more of our humanity by his work? I was moved by today’s NY TIMES article on Gregg Allman and his work.
Here is a signal piece of great song writing, lyric and melody describing the loss and the courage asked of all of us. Enjoy and be encouraged. I imagine Allman would like that.
Midnight Rider
Well, I’ve got to run to keep from hidin’,
And I’m bound to keep on ridin’.
And I’ve got one more silver dollar,
But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no,
Not gonna let ’em catch the Midnight Rider.And I don’t own the clothes I’m wearing,
And the road goes on forever,
And I’ve got one more silver dollar,
But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the Midnight Rider.And I’ve gone by the point of caring,
Some old bed I’ll soon be sharing,
And I’ve got one more silver dollar,But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the Midnight Rider.No, I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the Midnight Rider.No, I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the Midnight Rider.