Just A Poem
Yesterday I began to write a response to Martin Heidegger’s, What Is Metaphysics? lecture delivered in 1929. I am quite taken by Heidegger’s words. They strike me as revolutionary, as transgressive in this 21st century as they were when they were uttered. Who thinks and writes about metaphysics anymore? The metaphysical flame reduced to a flicker with the advocacy of “Reason” by the Enlightenment, and the prompt advance of Science. I think that Heidegger had a point and that he still speaks in his writings left for us.
In the meanwhile, as I collect my thoughts in order to do my best on the essay, I will leave behind a poem for today. Since death is linked to life, I am sure García Lorca’s poem stands in relationship to Heidegger’s thesis.
is coming in and leaving
the tavern,
leaving and coming in.
–by Frederico García Lorca